Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reflection


John 10:11-18

As I listened to the Gospel, the first part made me realize about having the sense of 'ownership.' If we have this value integrated in us, then we could also follow Jesus' example. The Gospel said, 'A hired man...leaves the sheep and runs away' all because it was not his. In work, we are all 'hired,' paid to do our work. If we remained as 'hired men' then when trouble comes, we'll all run away. The Gospel did not say it's a sin, but a human action--a natural result if we 'only work for pay and have no concern for the sheep.' But, then the question comes now: how do gain concern? Again, as I have pointed out--the sense of 'ownership.' If we LOVE our work we will have a sense of 'ownership' for it.

"I am the good shepherd,
and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father"

This time, Jesus tells us that He himself is responsible for the sheep. In a work place, us being the sheep should also be taken care of the shepherd-our employers. This concept also proves true to any circumstances. It tells me that I need to understand something or someone better and deeper that I may also be understood. You have to be an open book to the those whom you wish to serve for the rest of your life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Food For Thought

Feed Your Mind; Feed Your Soul

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
~Chili Davis

Here's a quote that came close to what I want to point out. Yesterday, I came across a student of mine, which I just realized that she was when she greeted me. Upon looking at her face, my only impression was, "Hey, I know this girl!" Luckily, an unconscious wit came out and I said her name correctly. After the encounter I realized that she was my student two years ago. 'My Gulay! Two years ago!' And she had grown so big. I could say that she's already grown to be a beautiful young lady; from a child to a young lady! And I bet she has also improved a lot intellectually. In short, she has grown a lot and only in two years of time. about me?

Have I grown this past two years? Am I still worth being called her teacher? This are just some of the questions I asked myself after our encounter. I realized that even when you reach a certain age that people may label as the peak of wisdom--growth is still inevitable if you would like to be as wise as you are or were.

Now, how much have you grown lately?

Food For Thought

Feed Your Soul; Feed Your Mind

"The Tree is Known by its Fruit"
(zab's version)

Each tree is recognized by its own fruit

(Luke 6:44)

Just a thought came up to me when I was overlooking at a coconut tree near the school's gymnasium. People say, especially when they relate it to a person, that you'll know what kind of a father or a parent is through its child or children and vise versa, like a tree is known from its fruit. You'll know a good father if the child is good or a bad father if the child is bad, something like that. But I think we can also associate it with what we do or produce.

A good presentation comes from a prepared presenter which entails that he or she is efficient. An artistic well-crafted quality wooden chair could only be produced by an extremely skilled master 'handicraftsman' or carpenter. Likewise, a poorly made assignment could come from a negligent student or probably a troubled one.

We could also make it broader: A well disciplined, patriotic and dignified citizen could only come from a 'GREAT' country. A 'GREAT,' well-organized and corrupt-free country could only be produced by a God-fearing, dignified and uncorrupted government.

So, let me ask you, what have you produced lately?

And, from which country are you from?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Food For Thought

Feed Your Soul; Feed Your Mind

"You are what you eat"

I just got a notion about the quotation above: "You are what you eat." I believe it's true enough. If you eat too much meat, your body would lack vitamins-your muscles becomes fragile. When you eat vegetables but lack meat, I'd say you'll turn out vegetable as well. Well, I'm no expert in these, But think about this: if you feed on bad ideas, will you get good ideas? If you feed on bad habits, will you get good habits? The same as: if you go with alcoholic people, can you not drink? If you go with sinners, can you not sin? Well, we are all sinners as a matter of fact. But if get my point, what do you think?

What will you feed yourself?

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reflection


Luke 24: 35-48

While I was listening to the Gospel, I realized that 'ghosts are real!' Just kidding. Well, that's not really the point. Though this Gospel could be a biblical basis for the materialization of ghosts. But what I really would like to point at is how the disciples reacted upon seeing Jesus. They were 'terrified,' afraid of what they had seen. Even disciples have doubts in their heart. They even thought that it could have been a ghost of some sort.