Feed Your Soul; Feed Your Mind
"The Tree is Known by its Fruit"
(zab's version)
Each tree is recognized by its own fruit
(Luke 6:44)
Just a thought came up to me when I was overlooking at a coconut tree near the school's gymnasium. People say, especially when they relate it to a person, that you'll know what kind of a father or a parent is through its child or children and vise versa, like a tree is known from its fruit. You'll know a good father if the child is good or a bad father if the child is bad, something like that. But I think we can also associate it with what we do or produce.
A good presentation comes from a prepared presenter which entails that he or she is efficient. An artistic well-crafted quality wooden chair could only be produced by an extremely skilled master 'handicraftsman' or carpenter. Likewise, a poorly made assignment could come from a negligent student or probably a troubled one.
We could also make it broader: A well disciplined, patriotic and dignified citizen could only come from a 'GREAT' country. A 'GREAT,' well-organized and corrupt-free country could only be produced by a God-fearing, dignified and uncorrupted government.
So, let me ask you, what have you produced lately?
And, from which country are you from?
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