Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reflection


Luke 24: 35-48

While I was listening to the Gospel, I realized that 'ghosts are real!' Just kidding. Well, that's not really the point. Though this Gospel could be a biblical basis for the materialization of ghosts. But what I really would like to point at is how the disciples reacted upon seeing Jesus. They were 'terrified,' afraid of what they had seen. Even disciples have doubts in their heart. They even thought that it could have been a ghost of some sort.

This attitude is true to us all. We say 'YES' to every or most if not all to what our preacher would tell us or that what we have read in the Bible. But then, that 'YES' that we proclaim comes with "if's" and "reality checks." We would say, "if that would be the case, then yes..." or "Yes, if..." or "...but in reality..." or "...yes, but only people with..." All of these are half-hearted statements. Our 'YES' are surrounded with ambivalence. We are not sure of what we are saying; maybe our 'YES' was only a drive of our current emotional state during that time but not really internalized. In short, we are unsure.

Our 'YES' was actually a 'MAYBE.' The disciples, even though they lived with Jesus, heard His promises first-hand and seen His miracles, had their faith shaken in just a split second. What more for us?

But just like what Jesus had said as well, "blessed are those who have not seen but believed." Jesus knew very much the fragility of human faith, thus He made His own way to strengthen it. What is left is the question, are we willing? Do we grab this opportunity? Then we not only feel it but live it, place it deep in our hearts, and say 'YES' whole-heartedly.

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